Friday, June 3, 2011

What Makes Us Happy?

Happy, what is that? What makes us “happy”? A feeling of euphoria, something that makes us smile and laugh, feeling or showing pleasure, contentment, or joy. Maybe makes your heart and mood feel lighter? Just the word "HAPPY" sounds funny.

What makes me happy? I don’t know sometimes. I'm I happy when the kitchen is clean and the house is picked up? Or is that a feeling of satisfaction or contentment that it is done? My 8 year old son, Michael, is always in a good mood and seems happy. Even when he is sick. Always smiling, humming or singing. The innocence of a child with not very many responsibilities yet (there's that word again...responsibility) who doesn't have much to worry about except for what he wants to play or what snack to eat. Oh to feel that innocence again. He always makes me happy. I can't help but smile when I watch him or listen to him play. He even sometimes brings a tear to my eye because I am so proud that he is a happy child and I can sometimes see the world through his eyes.

I have to admit he gave me a pretty happy moment yesterday. Grammy (my mom I take care of) wanted some french toast. Michael asked if he could help and I thought why not. So he got to break the eggs in the bowl, dip the bread in and put it in the skillet and then I let him flip them too, all while standing on a stool to reach the stove. So basically HE made french toast yesterday and got to cook for the first time. The happy moment.... was when he turned to me with joy on his face and said, "I love cooking, thank you for letting me cook with you. This is so much fun!" I just realized that something so mundane to me and no big deal was a big deal to him.I got to see it through his eyes. I was happy in that moment and it lifted my spirits.

So back to "happy". I guess there are levels of happiness too. What lifts your spirit and makes you feel light and giddy and just plain happy? We don't feel it all the time and sometimes we are desperately looking for it. I have a few friends lately been wondering the same thing. They love their family and think the world of their kids and still, they have an overwhelming feeling of sadness or blue. Do we get so caught up in our everyday tasks that we sometimes forget to look at the brighter side of things and enjoy them? Do we let little moments that we could cherish forever slip by because we were too busy with something.

I know I can get caught up in all my "duties" and it starts to bring me down and I begin to wonder when is there "me" time? I know there a lot of things that used to make me happy, and I needed to sit down and figure out what they were. One of the things I enjoyed before all my responsibilities kicked in was writing. I thought about writing a book for women going through the same things I am, but then I read a friends blog and it inspired me. I kept hearing my friends and their struggles and it dawned on me, why wait to write a book when you can help on a daily basis with a blog. All that to say that I began writing again and for me it is a release and it makes me happy. It gives me a little "me" time.

Take a moment to really figure out what truly makes you happy and then take the steps to make it happen. We have to MAKE time for ourselves. It is so easy to get caught up in taking care of everyone else that we are always last to think about us. I am telling you it is OK to think about you and do something for you once in awhile. If we don't we won't recharge our batteries to keep doing what we need to. Remember a lot of people rely on us and though in a perfect world we would love for someone to take care of us, it is our responsibility to look out for ourselves and find what it is that helps you recharge to keep going on. One of the first places I suggest looking is to God for peace, love, comfort and even happiness! He can recharge our batteries better than anything this world has to offer. He can also help direct you to the things that make you happy. Proverbs 16:20.

Smiles and be HAPPY ~ Marcy

Let your inner beauty show!  You don't need to buy a thing to look and feel fabulous. Just be yourself! You have so many gifts, so many strengths and talents, so much to offer everyone. Focus on that first instead of last, and everyone will notice-because when you feel good about yourself on the inside, you'll glow on the outside!
(I borrowed this from a Woman's World Magazine)

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